A school takes up a lot of space





architecture, school, criticism


This essay argues that -from the architectural perspective- school program becomes a fundamental issue when dealing with the review of the current crisis of architectural criticism. This means to address some of the supporting points of a project tradition which has an inward examination as part of its collective daily practice.    Since the second half of the 19th century, school architectural design has shaped a long-term collective practice in Argentina. It is based on the review of themes that are typical of school program as well as project problems that call for a disciplinary debate, for example, the architectural view of the city. Thus, taking into account the mutation of public space and the lack of spaces designed for the development of civility in the contemporary city, it is asserted that school program is strategically attractive for architecture when deploying its critical agenda.




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Author Biography

Lucía Espinoza, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina

Arquitecta (FADU, UNL), Magíster en Historia de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo Latinoamericanos (FAU, UNT) y Doctora en Arquitectura (FAPyD, UNR). Profesora Titular de Teoría y Crítica y Adjunta de Historia I (UNL). Directora del Instituto de Teoría e Historia Urbano-Arquitectónica de la Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo, UNL. Autora de los libros: Arquitectura educativa y políticas públicas en Santa Fe (2007-2011); Producción y comunicación de la arquitectura en el Estado. Colección Tesis Doctorales FAPyD-UNR, 6, Rosario: A&P-UNR Editora, 2016; y Arquitectura Escolar y Estado moderno. Santa Fe 1900-1943. Colección Polis Científica, Santa Fe, Ed. UNL, 2005.


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How to Cite

Espinoza, L. (2020). A school takes up a lot of space. A&P Continuidad, 7(13), 136–141. https://doi.org/10.35305/23626097v7i13.280

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