Rural food sovereignty and urban food security in the Great Global confinement




food security, food sovereignty, countryside, city, COVID-19


The Great Global confinement is considered to be the first universal event that combined -throughout its development- a variety of radical everyday life transformations, specifically those associated with food. It has brought back to the center of the debate the confrontation between the rural food sovereignty which was established in 1996 and food security policies. This has shown that the civilizational crisis mankind is experiencing is more serious than we think. Uncertainty has become a widespread suffering. The objective of the study is to explain the ways in which the confrontation between rural food sovereignty and urban food security is maintained in the context of the Great World Confinement. Thus, on one hand, the analysis deals with the context enabling the understanding of some of the mutations between the forbidden and the ordered in the rural-urban binomial; they are observed in the dispute for public spaces as well as in the incessant search for the countryside appropriation in Mexico. On the other, it focuses on the space which has to ensure not only the reproduction of life but also the functioning of the urban-supply center.


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Author Biography

Abdiel Hernández Mendoza, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Juriquilla, México

Profesor de Tiempo Completo adscrito a la ENES-Juriquilla de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Candidato al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del CONACyT, México. Doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Maestro en Geociencias y administración de recursos naturales por la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales por la UNAM FES-Aragón. Coordinador del PAPIME PE301321. Responsable del Observatorio Universitario de Negocios Internacionales de la UNAM. Ha publicado artículos y capítulos en las revistas ProPulsión e Inclusiones, así como para la editorial de la UNAM y Siglo XXI.


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How to Cite

Hernández Mendoza, A. (2021). Rural food sovereignty and urban food security in the Great Global confinement. A&P Continuidad, 8(14), 72–83.

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