The operative criticism relationship between history and project


  • Noemí Adagio Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina



operative criticism, Bruno Zevi, Giulio Carlo Argan, Manfredo Tafuri


“Operative criticism” was an expression coined by Manfredo Tafuri in 1968 in order to represent the instrumental relationship between history and project. In this article, stresses, analogies and discontinuities in normative and prescriptive approaches are synthetically introduced. The subject might be exemplified with the work carried out by historians of diverse nationalities. However, the arguments of Giulio Carlo Argan and Bruno Zevi are here addressed as inescapable referents of the “Roman school”. In addition, debates concerning the role of history in diverse artistic and cultural situations are mentioned. The aim is to acknowledge the indisputable critical value of history, especially in the architect’s professional training.


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Author Biography

Noemí Adagio, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina

Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos en el Taller de Historia de la Arquitectura a cargo de la Dra. Arq. Bibiana Cicutti. Además es Investigadora Independiente de la Carrera del Investigador Científico de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. En los últimos años ha publicado: “Mass Culture at Mid-Century: Architecture under a New Humanism” en Helen Gyger y Patricio del Real (editores): Latin American Modern Architectures: Ambiguous Territories, (New York: Routledge US/ UK, 2012); en calidad de editor Antología la Biblioteca de la Arquitectura Moderna. Argentina 1919-1963. Escritos, diálogos, imágenes. (Rosario: UNR Editora/A&P Ediciones, 2012); conjuntamente con A. Sella el trabajo colectivo Enrico Tedeschi: work in progress (Mendoza: EDIUM, Editorial Universidad de Mendoza, 2013).



How to Cite

Adagio, N. (2018). The operative criticism relationship between history and project. A&P Continuidad, 4(6), 78–85.