Brick poetics. Old crafts and new specialities


  • José Alfonso Ramírez Ponce Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Daniel Viu Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina



architecture, tradition, innovation, construction


This article introduces and looks into the conversations that architects Daniel Viu and Alejandra Buzaglio –both of them professors of the Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Design of the National University of Rosario- had with Alfonso Ramírez. They took place at Ramírez’ house in the City of Mexico throughout a week. They dealt with a broad variety of issues ranging from the academic education of Ramírez to his criticism of the lack of reflection on the project process development which, in turn, was the topic he addressed in the doctoral thesis to be published by the Autonomous National University of Mexico. The architect approached his architectural work defining three stages: the mimetic stage, the geometric stage and that one which was related to tradition. Besides, he analysed the role played by geometry in the efficiency of an architectural work and faced the criticisms of not only Modernity problems but also architectures based on simple orthogonal prisms. There has been a recurrent subject throughout the architectural work of Ramírez Ponce: the constant reflection on the values that should be taken into account for the project process. His concern for the revival of traditional crafts has given rise to space researches pushing techniques to high complexity space outcomes.


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Author Biographies

José Alfonso Ramírez Ponce, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctor Arquitecto, Profesor de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM, constructor y proyectista. Ha dictado talleres, realizado obras y proyectos en México, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Alemania, Etiopía, Costa Rica, con materiales tradicionales como ladrillo y ferrocemento, adobe y madera, cerámica armada, bambú, ladrillo de tierra-cemento, domos de yeso, recurriendo al reciclaje de materiales como la madera de palma de coco y la hojalata.

Daniel Viu, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina

Arquitecto (UNR) desde 1982. Realiza trabajos para la Università degli Studi di Roma durante 1983-84. Master en Arquitectura Urbana entre 1985-87 (Paris-Villemin/Ex UP1). Entre 1989 y 1991 investiga sobre el Espacio Público en la Vivienda Financiada por el Estado (CONICET). Docente de Proyecto Arquitectónico (FAPyD-UNR) desde 1992. Director de proyectos de investigación y de extensión (UNR). Socio de Viu Buzaglo & Asociados Oficina de Arquitectura y Cofundador de Arquitectura del Sur Colectivo.



How to Cite

Ramírez Ponce, J. A., & Viu, D. (2018). Brick poetics. Old crafts and new specialities. A&P Continuidad, 5(9), 32–41.